Thank God For Everyday!

Today’s been quite a hectic day considering that I slept at 3 am and woke up at 8:30 am to get ready for practice. Now you’re probably wondering what I’m practicing for and well I’m part of my Church’s praise and worship team which is great. It’s been especially busy this week, mainly because we have a conference coming up over this weekend from Friday till Sunday which will require us to be constantly singing and dancing.

Nevertheless I am thankful towards God for giving me another day despite the fact that I’m still functioning on about 5 hours of sleep. See sometime’s we all go about our daily business while forgetting to thank God for giving us each day to enjoy it. I feel especially thankful because I know that somewhere on this Earth someone just taken their last breath yet God has permitted me another second, another day, another chance to laugh and another chance to love.

Overall, I just want to remind you that what ever situation you’re going through, someone else in the world has it worse. So just remember to thank God for everyday!

Vee xo

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